Saturday, October 18, 2008

Online Dating Tips For Guys

You've probably heard a million stories from friends about how they or someone they know has met a great girl online... and maybe you've even tried it yourself.

Fact: reports over 24,600 new
women members signing up each month.

Check out Catchy Dating Headlines for dating profiles

This is great news... because it means online dating is becoming more and more socially ACCEPTED... and as this happens, more and more REALLY interesting (and attractive) women are joining these sites looking for good men.

Here’s What This Means For You
Now more than ever, you can put yourself right in front of the women who are looking for you without having to awkwardly approach women in public with some weird pickup routine, and be seen as “that creepy guy” who tried to pick her up. It's simple. Put your “message” in front of women who are ALREADY looking for what you are offering.

The Internet allows you to target the exact type of women you are interested in like no other “way” in history.

Take bars and clubs, for example. All those women who were going to bars and clubs are now ALSO going online and looking for guys they're interested in....And instead of only trying to meet someone when they’re out, they can ALSO jump online and be looking at your pictures, reading your profile, and emailing YOU, wanting to get together with YOU.

And what’s great is you can get right in front of them in as little as
15 minutes thanks online personals sites like

But you probably know that already...

Unfortunately there are some major obstacles that make meeting women online difficult (if not hopeless) if you don't know tips to attract women on dating sites.

Tips to Attract Women on Dating Sites
Author: Elaine

Tips To Attract Women On Dating Sites Online dating seems like a great way of meeting lots of women on a budget, doesn't it? You sit at home in your PJ's, pick and chose who you want to write to and send bulk e-mails hoping that out of a hundred e-mails sent you will get at least one response, right? In reality it's not that easy.

Most men fail with online dating in the first three months. Reason? The truth of the matter is most men don't know what to say in their dating profiles, how to say it to attract lots and lots of beautiful women and what dating sites to join that will get them the most women for the least money.

If you have tried online dating, you are probably asking yourself, What can I write to a woman on a dating site to make her attracted to me and to make her write me back? What dating site to use to find the most available single women? How can I approach them on a dating site without using some lame pick up lines and how can I show a woman on a dating site I am different? What do I talk about in my first e-mail to a woman on a dating site? How can I get her phone number and set up the first date? Where should I go on my first date and what to talk about on a first date? How can I make her want to have sex with me?

From my experience as a dating coach for men and women, I've realized that most single men need help in many areas of approaching women, dating and seduction. Some frequently asked questions from my male reader base include: What to say in the first e-mail, how to write an appealing dating profile, how to ask a woman out, why women take so long to respond to e-mails on dating sites, if she e-mails me back after a week, does it mean she is interested? Should I pursue her if she hasn't responded to me? If she looked at my profile, does it mean she is interested? If she hasn't responded to my e-mail, should I e-mail her again? And many more questions along the same lines.

You will find the answers to your questions about what women want on dating sites and what kind of profile and e-mails women respond to on dating sites in my article What Women Want

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